Sunday, April 19, 2009


My next event isn't going to be until the end of June or start of July so it's basically just training from here on in. The last few weeks I have been getting into my program and now it is pretty full on. Most days will involve 2 sessions of about 2 hours. Obviously not all on court training - it's usually 50/50 on court and off court training. I find if I do too much training on the squash court it takes it's toll on my joints and also mentally it can make me quite flat and unmotivated.

My on court training at the moment involves drills with a coach - hitting to certain areas of the court, different types of movement, and court awareness. Also just fixing up little things in my swing, whether it's with a coach or hitting by myself, you can never be content!

Off court I've been hitting the weights, trying to put on something which resembles muscle really. I've been doing upper and lower body. It's a good time of the year to get stuck into some weights because there are no tournaments, and it can slow you down a bit on court if you're not playing many matches. Also things like long runs, plyometric training, sprints, intervals... There's a lot of different training which can be done - I really like to mix things up as I find I can get bored doing the same training for weeks on end.

If you'd like to know anything else regarding my training or just squash training in general, feel free to drop me an email.


Anonymous said...

I think my level of squash is deteriorating and I have trouble beating your old man so I guess that is proof - what can I do?
Barry Serjeant

Cameron said...

Hmmm yes that is solid proof Barry! I'd say cut down the unforced errors to make the rallies longer - or offer him a Pure Blonde before the match!